On www.youplay.com you find a lot of daily online puzzles. !!!!
sudoku - kakuro - hitori - hashi - slitherlink - battleship - pic-a-pix - link-a-pix - fill-a-pix - maze-a-pix - dot-a-pix - tents - centriko - hexa-trex - squaro - futoshiki - trigon - trizm - kenken - kendoku .................
Four 1 to 25 Puzzles
To solve 1 to 25, movethe numbers from theouter ring onto theboard in the directionsof the chevrons.As you place them theymust snake togethervertically, horizontallyor diagonally so theylink in sequence from1 to 25.
These puzzles you find on http://www.str8ts.com/1_to_25
There are only the daily puzzles. An archive is 'missing'