Objective: Fill in all blank squares so they make a path in numerical order,within the Time Limit. You can work horizontally or vertically in any direction.Diagonal paths are not allowed.
You find them on: http://www.parade.com/askmarilyn/numbrix/102008 (change date for other puzzles....)
You can find this nice sudoku variation on http://www.thegriddle.net There are also other sudoku variations like shape sudoku, multi sudoku, stretch sum sudoku, funky kakuro, quad clue sodoku, ....
There are no new clueless puzzles on sudocue.net But now you find these puzzles on http://www.rcbroughton.co.uk/sudoku/forum/index.php Every week you find a new puzzle in different difficulty's (novice ---> chief wizard)
On http://www.krazydad.com/puzzles.php you find sudoku's , kakuro's, Jigoku's, Kidoku's, Mazes and Slitherlinks You also find nice slitherlink-variations on this site: Penrose , Altair, Laves and Snowflake
On http://www.obrazkilogiczne.pl/eindex.php you find every friday 3 new architect (= tents) puzzles. There are also 2 japanese puzzles (=pic-a-pix) and 3 multidots (=slitherlinks) in the weekly puzzle mix
In Colour Sudoku, instead of filling in the numbers 1 to 9 in each of the 3 by 3 blocks, you must enter 1 to 9 in the 9 boxes of each colour - i.e. there are nine yellow boxes, and the yellow boxes must contain the digits 1 to 9.
The diagrammatic shapes show a set of triangular dominoes made up from the numbers in the table. The number in the centre of each domino show the sum of the numbers on its edges. Where one domino meets another the numbers are the same, so in order to save writing it twice, a space has been left where they meet. By using logic, fill in the numbers around each triangular domino.If you register at http://www.trigonpuzzles.com/ you get a free e-book with puzzles.